The Best (Fake) iPhone 5 Video Leaked for Now

<p>One awesome video just float up this morning.Really? According to U.S. web&nbsp;Techcrunch,&nbsp;it claimed to be&nbsp;showing the iPhone 5. But several subtle clues leaked its authenticity.&nbsp;But the video is still worth watching. However, ECA Rock(s) Rider is an trustful unreleased game, some media still believe it is a really test for this game.</p>
<p>The hints are subtle and a few could be just artifacts of the low-quality recording. First, it&nbsp;flashed when the user unlocked the screen, it it&nbsp;innormal. Second,&nbsp;the skip&nbsp;when user&nbsp;filps&nbsp;looks so stiff, even worse than iPhone 4.&nbsp;Third, the game starts prior to the user hitting the screen.&nbsp;Finally, as GSMarena notes, the dates on the home screen and lock screen do not match:&nbsp;before unlock,&nbsp;the date is on 24th, and then it become 22th.&nbsp; So yeah, the video is clearly not real.</p>
<p>Or the video could just be an attempt to hype the game: ECA Rock(s) Rider.</p>
<p>All though it is doubtful but still the most awesome vedio we saw before the real iPhone 5 launched. The creator clearly knows his way around video editing software and deserves major props for this timely video. I'd rather to see it come truth. What do you feel about this video?</p>
<p align="center"><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" width="640"></iframe></p>
<p align="left">via techcrunch</p>


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