Get Official SIRI On Your iPhone 4, 3GS, And iPod 4 [Tips and Tricks]


This a great news and a post for those who were waiting for SIRI to come on iPhone 4 and below. This is not any official release by Hackers who ported SIRI to the iPhone 4 but this is the perfect port of SIRI done on iPhone 4 by Iris Dev Team. The Iris Dev Team is made of some French Developers who ported SIRI to older iDevices. The compatibility so far is for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod 4.

This is a perfect port of SIRI and no words have been said on the activation of SIRI. This means that you can get SIRI on your iDevice but you cannot connect to Apple’s server. The activation of SIRI is in progress and it said to be released soon.

After reading the above statement, follow the steps below:


  1. Your iDevice must be on iOS 5.0 or 5.0.1
  2. The Device must be Jailbroken
  3. You must have some knowledge about SSH or how to use iFunbox (WINDOWS) or Cyber Duck for (MAC)

If you are on the above stated things, so you can proceed further.


Download iFunbox or Cybder Duck on your PC or MAC. Then install iFile from Cydia.


After you have downloaded the above files, now download the original SIRI file from here.


Once you are done with Downloading, now get ready for some real work. Before you proceed, make sure that you are near any PC or MAC.

Now open iFunbox or CyberDuck and connect your iDevice. Once the iDevice is connected, it will show you a menu like this:

Now navigate to Raw File System


When you are in Raw File system you will see the above folders. Now navigate to VAR folder or stay on the Root. All you have to do is place the Downloaded file in one of the locations. We would suggest you to place the file on the ROOT.


Now go into your iPhone and open iFile. Once iFile is opened find the file you putted from iFunbox into iPhone.

Like we have saved the file in VAR. We would reccomend you to save the file on Root. It would be easy to find.


Press and hold the file. Now it will give you some options. From all of those select installer and give your iPhone a minute or so to install the file on your iPhone. Once the installation is done, Done will appear on your upper left corner in blue,. Press that and you are not done yet.


The last step is to boot tethered. When the iPhone boots up. Voila! you are done now and you will have SIRI on your iPhone 4.

Go into Settings and it will be there.

Now simply go into SIRI and turn it on and enjoy the demo of SIRI.

Once again SIRI wont work properly because it is not yet activated. Means that is not yet connected to Apple’s server, So SIRI will say that it is having trouble while connecting to the network.



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