Siri Security Protocol Cracked, Can Be Easily Install On Android


Since the Apple has launched its iPhone 4S with Siri – a virtual personal assistant, we have seen hackers and security researchers doing the hard work to dig into the Siri system and made it available on other hardware’s too, but lately it appears that Apple has baked the application close to the iPhone 4S firmware, which requires Apple Software Policy. The jailbreak hackers have been trying for a month now to port a Siri on other iOS devices, but stopped due to Apple’s Software Piracy.

The hackers just cracked the application to make it available on any other iOS devices, but it seems that folks over at Applidium has scored a big milestone by breaching the Siri’s Security Protocol. The team has also cracked the Siri system and connection system of Apple’s Server with Siri. The group of hackers has also revised the Siri’s protocol to know about the working of the Siri.

While cracking the Siri on other iOS devices, the team has designed the couple of custom tools that helps the developers to use the Siri API and functionality on their AppStore. As reported by the other hackers, the hacker who claimed earlier this week that he got a method to enter custom commands in Siri, has discovered the similar method of entering custom commands into the vmware machine.

The team has also announced that their research reveals that Siri can be easily ported to any iOS device, even can be easily run on the Android smartphones. The hacker team also announces that developers can also use this method to integrate the Siri into their applications, and can easily submit thirdparty applications of Siri.


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