Siri Dictation Now Available On iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, and iPad (With Jailbreak)


Today we have some big news regarding the effort to port Siri to other devices. With the development last week of SiriProxy, as well as Applidium’s tools, the ability for developers to run their own Siri servers rose dramatically. Now, we see the fruits of those efforts, as the first package that enables Siri on all devices is now available in Cydia.

The package is called Siri0us, and is available for free if you add a custom source. If you want to download the package, simply open Cydia, go to the “Manage” tab, choose “Sources”, and click “Add”. When presented with a text field, type in “” and add the source. Then, just open the source or search for “Siri0us” in the search menu. There have been errors reported with the download, so just keep trying if it fails.

Video Tutorial:

Note that this is not full Siri functionality, just the dictation feature that comes as part of Siri. While we don’t have the full system integration that there is on the iPhone 4S, this is a huge step in the right direction. Hopefully we will see a lot more developers get on this, and the process of getting Siri fully working can move onward.


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