Dev Team Is In the Final Stages of a “Very Promising” Unlock for the iPhone 4S


Last night, many people got their hopes up when p0sixninja of the Chronic Dev Team said he had an exciting announcement. While it wasn’t the untethered jailbreak that many were hoping for, they did release a crash reporter tool to help them gather all the info they will eed to make the long awaited jailbreak.

Now, we have some news that will really excite those that have been holding off on the iPhone 4S because they rely on an unlock. According to a tweet from Musclenerd on Twitter, the Dev Team is working hard on a “very promising” unlock for the 4S.

Crazy Thanksgiving weekend!  Very promising 4S unlock ( is in the works (Not i4, just 4S..that’s crazy part)

Along with the tweet he released this picture:

Up until now there has been no way for users to unlock their iPhone 4S, so this is great news for anyone that relies on an outside carrier. Stay tuned for more info on the release as Musclenerd reveals more on Twitter!


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